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Week 14 - Staring to prototype

This week we began working on the technical aspects of the BUDDY. On one part, we made a prototype for the interface each student will interact with every time a question is presented. The prototype lights up whenever the student pushes his button and fill a ring of LEDs on a timer. the longer he holds the button to signal his confidence in the question.

On the other part, we began working on the app that will interact with student’s devices. The app has 2 screens, on for the main functionality of starting a timer for a question, picking from the a database the students that raised their hands and displaying the 3 with highest “score” to be picked. The other screen lets the teacher view information on students regarding how many times they participated and in which class, as well as adding or removing students from it.

On the less technical side, we interviewed more teachers to help visualize the way we want our app to be displayed to them while teaching and are aiming to implement their feedback over the course of the next week.

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