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Week 17 - Progress on the physical and a shift towards app - device connectivity

This week we continued and tried multiple versions for our 3D printed button in order to not only get the most suitable design but to also learn more on how we can best channel elements of light and vibration.

We decided that a good practice would be to make the button touch sensitive and use vibrations for press in order to give a more refined feedback to the user and also to refine our form factor for the whole device.

Aside from the physical, we continued to work on the teacher’s app by gathering more useful feedback from user testing to better shape the UI and UX and came up with a simple yes effective scheme that most agreed would fit in a classroom environment.

On a more technical note, we are continuing to test the possibilities for connecting our device to the database powered by the app. While we a few directions to go with, we feel it would be a good time to consult Zvika to help get the basic functionalities running.

Over the coming week we plan to finalize the physical part of Buddy and focus on the device and database integration, as well as starting to think of ways to present statistics gathered over time to teachers.

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